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What are the main underlying beliefs

that are blocking you from getting what you want?


1-hour session

We’ll find the root of your problem/challenge and the program that is sustaining this challenge in your life. After the digging and investigation, I’ll bring downloads from the Creator, on a cellular level, so you can BE a magnet for happiness, abundance and love.

Theta Healing™ is a meditational process that brings about physical, psychological and spiritual healing with focused prayer through the Creator.

Utilizing the Theta brain waves, it is possible to change outdated programs/belief systems and download new and more empowering programs, in order to co-create an empowered and abundant life.


2-hour session

Includes the full Thetahealing experience. This session is designed to go deep on your unresolved trauma/challenge, have a more holistic approach, bring the highest perspective from the Creator to it and transform your view of life.

  • We will do breath work and brief guided meditation, intuitive reading of your physical, energetic and emotional body, and release any urging emotions. DNA healing will break a negative pattern, illness or syndrome that have been embodied in your morphogenetic field.
  • Ancestral healing
  • Spiritual or higher self messages.
  • Short tarot reading is the moment that you can ask anything. The tarot will bring specific answers to issues you might have unrelated to the session, so you can have clarity on your path ahead.

Past Life Regression Therapy

2.5-hour session

Past Life Regression therapy uses hypnoses to take you to a past life’s memory to search for the root cause of problems, blockages, or negative patterns that you’re exhibiting in your current life.

In this session, we identify, release, and break old patterns, negative energetic karma, in all levels (genetic, ancestral, collective and historical). Bringing to your quantum and physical body elevated emotions to substitute what it was released, imprinting it in all levels.

I combine two methods in this service, Thetahealing® and Hypnosis.

Medical Intuitive Session

2-hour session

The Medical Intuitive is a quantum healing treatment and it’s purpose is to complement your traditional treatment or protocol, or it can be used to try and explain physical symptoms when the traditional medicine can not explain or when it doesn’t seem to have anything medically wrong.

Medical Intuitive sessions are designed to attend each client, individually, since we’re all unique souls, and the emotional root cause of a physical problem can be unique as well. I utilise modern and physical data+Intuitive and psychic readings to release the root cause so the person can live a life to the best and highest way possible for them.

This modality does not disregard, or substitute any other medical treatment.


1-hour session

Tarot is a self-development tool used for hundreds of years. It connects to your unconscious mind, patterns and mirrors the human soul. The tarot reflects your hopes and fears each time you read them.

I’ll help you to clarify what is the best and highest possibility for your problem, challenge and/or future.


The session can be done either online (Zoom) or in person (Gold Coast, Australia).
Other methods of payment can and should be discussed individually and through private messages 🙂
No, not at all, we’re all energy beings, surrounding by energy, once I meet you via Zoom, and with your consent, the healing takes effect immediately.

No, all I ask is for you to come with an open heart.